aitzolmuelas' blog
Blog focused in computer graphics mainly. Personal comments and opinions are also welcome.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Library layout

Hello everyone
This is the main layout of the library I am working on at the moment: as you can see, it is more or less the layout of your typical cathedral, with the main nave and two transepts. The main difference is that, as opposed to most cathedrals, there is a double aisle on each side of the nave and also on each side of both transepts. As you can surely see, I am merely starting, but I have high expectations for this project.
Anyway, I will be sure to keep posting as the building grows.
Friday, November 16, 2007
A Cathedral this time

Yup, I am indeed building a cathedral in POV-Ray. Or at least I have started. I will post as I progress. For the moment I have the pillars and arches of the main arcade. Well, actually the structure of the building is that of a cathedral, but I intend it to be a library eventually.
And now I am too sleepy to post any more.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Going Hi-Res

Hello everyone
I decided to give some use to my computer at work (since I work on a remote server via Xming, there is no much use for the 3.6GHz P4 horsepower), and I made a 1280x1024, suitable as a screensaver, which by the way I do not expect even my friends to use it ;P But never the less, it has been a long time without posts, and I have to keep the place alive somehow.