aitzolmuelas' blog

Blog focused in computer graphics mainly. Personal comments and opinions are also welcome.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sun and Moon

Hi everyone! I managed to add the Sun, the Moon and some stars to the sky. I am a bit tired today, so I will leave the "making of"
details for another post. Cya

Friday, July 20, 2007

My first shaders

Hello everyone
As usual, long time without posting, but it has been a heck of a month. In July I started this course on shader programming for videogames, and here is what I made as a final project. It wants to be something similar to the world maps in Final Fantasy VII/VIII/IX, whith the little map and all ^_^. It uses shadow mapping, reflections, refractions, and the sky is rendered with a special shader that builds its color based on the sun and the camera (shame you cannot see it moving here ;P). If I make any improvements with it I will be sure to post them (I am thinking of adding stars in the night sky). Cya