aitzolmuelas' blog

Blog focused in computer graphics mainly. Personal comments and opinions are also welcome.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Yet another close-up

this time showing the side. Book's finished now, moving on to the lamp. By the way, I'm not sure if I like the book with this many pages, what do you people think? Cheers, bye!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Brief post: just a close-up view of one side of the book. Looks nice, doesn't it? ^_^

It has letters now!... or does it?

Hi everyone! Well, here's version 2, now the book has some text on it, however, there is not a single letter "e" in the whole text: it belongs to a short novel written by Ernest Vincent Wright, which doesn't include a single instance of the aforementioned letter (except for the name of the author, of course). Well, I'll focus on the paper texture a bit more, and then I'll move on to making the rest of the book. Expect more soon!

October IRTC

Hi everyone,

You see, I thought I'd have a go at this month's Internet RayTracing Competition. I won't give out the details yet (:P), suffice to say that the center of the image is a book, and here's the first prototype I will post (more to come!): the paper texture needs more work (pigment, normal, finish...), and there are still some artifacts with the current radiosity settings. Oh, yes, and only half the book has the worn edges effect applied. Stay tuned for more!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Hi everyone

I have started experimenting some more with shapes for all kind of purposes. The equations for this one are:

#declare FxA = function(u,v) {sin(v)*(0.5+0.5*cos(u*pi/2))*(0.5+0.1*exp(abs(cos(10*v)+0.3)))}
#declare FyA = function(u,v) {pow(u-1, 2)/4}
#declare FzA = function(u,v) {cos(v)*(0.5+0.5*cos(u*pi/2))*(0.5+0.1*exp(abs(cos(10*v)+0.3)))}

with u ranging from -1 to 1, and v from -pi to pi. Enjoy