aitzolmuelas' blog

Blog focused in computer graphics mainly. Personal comments and opinions are also welcome.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Busy, busy, busy!!!

Hi folks
Unfortunately I am extremely busy these few days, so no pictures for a while, i fear. However, i started to create a vaulted ceiling for the columns, based on functions with poles (inverted polynomials, basically ^_^). I hope I can finish it soon and post some renders. Cya

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Column Forest

And Voila! An attempt at creating a layout of skewed columns. It might become something bigger, give it time ^_^. Enjoy

Monday, August 21, 2006

My first wavy column

I said I would try and finish it before tomorrow and Voila! Here it is, my first parametric surface that actually looks like something. And here are the x, y and z parametric equations for the surface:

#declare Rad = 0.3;
#declare Faces = 4;

#declare Steps = 10;
#declare Base = 2.5;
#declare Base2 = 2.3;
#declare a = exp(ln(1/Base)/(-Steps));
#declare a2 = exp(ln(1/Base2)/(-Steps));
#declare Power = 3;

#declare FxA = function(u,v) {((pow(Base2*pow(a2, u-Steps), Power)+pow(Base*pow(a, -u), Power))*Rad/(2*3)+0.05*cos(Faces*v+6*(sin(pi*u)+1)*sin(6*u)))*cos(v)}
#declare FyA = function(u,v) {u}
#declare FzA = function(u,v) {((pow(Base2*pow(a2, u-Steps), Power)+pow(Base*pow(a, -u), Power))*Rad/(2*3)+0.05*cos(Faces*v+6*(sin(pi*u)+1)*sin(6*u)))*sin(v)}

I know, it could be a lot cleaner, plus it is POV-Ray SDL, so it might be a bit complicated to someone. Will try to be clearer next time ^_^. As a brief help, exp(x) is e to the power of x, and the rest is pretty self-explanatory, if you know a bit of math. Enjoy


Well, not quite, actually, but it kind of looks like one. It is one of the intermediate results of my experiments with isosurfaces and parametric surfaces to create Gaudi-like shapes for columns, ceilings, etc... architectural elements, basically. This "column" is not of much use, but it is a curious example of how exponentials can get the radius too big if not corrected XD. I hope I can post the finished column and its equations before tomorrow. Enjoy

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Blog start

Hi everyone,

I'm now officially going to start my first blog. I am not much of a Blog Poster, but I will try to maintain it as fresh as possible. To begin, I am going to say that this blog is mainly intended (probably) to upload pictures i create with 3D tools: silly things that come to my head from time to time, most of them just experiments, but some worth showing.
And without further dilation, here is a kind of futuristic building, first sketched by a friend of mine (credit goes here to "habitante del Planeta Mundo" ^_^), and later built using mainly parametric surfaces in POV-Ray 3.6. It is not finished yet, and it might never be.
By the way, comments and suggestions will always be appreciated ^_^
Kind regards to all